Life is a process,
so let’s make that process beautiful and enriching.

Schaefer Methods’ philosophy is to help you find your way.

To help you find what makes the unique you happy. We are all different, and we all require a different lifestyle, diet, friends, family constellation and relationships to be happy. What makes you happy? Let us find out!

Growing up, I was insecure. I was a clown, but insecure. When I was 15, my mother told me she will not baby me anymore, and my life is up to me now. This was the single biggest event that happened in my life. I realized everything was up to me, success and failure. Your life is up to you, let us find out what’s there!
How to engage with your masculinity in a positive, safe, serving yet unapologetic way.

In this course, we are trying to stay away from my or other people’s subjective opinions on masculinity, and we try to simply go within ourselves, to find our unique and individual answers and definitions that are different for everyone.

This 6-week challenge is not me teaching you how you should behave or what your definition of masculinity should be. No, this 6-week challenge is a guide to discover your masculinity for yourself.

How to become a conscious cell phone user.

Your cellphone is the most genius invention helping you save time, find places, communicate, organize your life, etc, – the list is endless.

But maybe it is time to have a look at how and when to use it and what to use it for. Ask yourself this question, when you look at your phone, are you completely aware of when it is (A) a habit, or (B) a purpose?

It might be time to become a conscious cell phone user.

How to become or improve being a traveling freelancer or digital nomad:

This course is not me telling you what to do, or which genius idea might make you rich.

This course is me trying to guide you to understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and me assisting you finding your path.

Together we will identify who and what you are. We will look at your ideas and try and find out as much information around them as possible.

How to not take everything so seriously

Being a serious person is not a bad thing as such, but taking a lot of things too seriously might hold you back from enjoying life.

Now, this course is not me telling you to take nothing seriously anymore, and it also isn’t clown school.This course might help you deal a little more easy with shit that comes your way.

We will look at when it is necessary and when it is unnecessary to take something seriously.

Growing up, I was insecure. I was a clown, but insecure. When I was 15, my mother told me she will not baby me anymore, and my life is up to me now. This was the single biggest event that happened in my life. I realized everything was up to me, success and failure. Your life is up to you, let us find out what’s there!
How to engage with your masculinity in a positive, safe, serving yet unapologetic way.

In this course, we are trying to stay away from my or other people’s subjective opinions on masculinity, and we try to simply go within ourselves, to find our unique and individual answers and definitions that are different for everyone.

This 6-week challenge is not me teaching you how you should behave or what your definition of masculinity should be. No, this 6-week challenge is a guide to discover your masculinity for yourself.

How to become a conscious cell phone user.

Your cellphone is the most genius invention helping you save time, find places, communicate, organize your life, etc, – the list is endless.
But maybe it is time to have a look at how and when to use it and what to use it for. Ask yourself this question, when you look at your phone, are you completely aware of when it is (A) a habit, or (B) a purpose?
It might be time to become a conscious cell phone user.

How to become or improve being a traveling freelancer or digital nomad:

This course is not me telling you what to do, or which genius idea might make you rich.
This course is me trying to guide you to understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and me assisting you finding your path.
Together we will identify who and what you are. We will look at your ideas and try and find out as much information around them as possible.

How to not take everything so seriously

Being a serious person is not a bad thing as such, but taking a lot of things too seriously might hold you back from enjoying life.
Now, this course is not me telling you to take nothing seriously anymore, and it also isn’t clown school. This course might help you deal a little more easy with shit that comes your way.
We will look at when it is necessary and when it is unnecessary to take something seriously.